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When Your Bae Insists On Investigating Your Past.

Have you always wondered why some people are quick to say "i don't want to talk about it" whenever a new person in their life asks why they broke up with an ex?

I guess most times people who are quick to waive the discussion might just have something sensitive they do not want to share because in many instances we tend to allow the feeling of initial gragra cloud our sense of reasoning and just fall in love with someone who was really a nightmare to his or her ex(es) no wonder why many companies ask for letter of reference from your past employer or someone that can really vouch for you.

My advice to ladies or guys who seem to lose their sense of reasoning due to "desperation to get married" is to calm down and do serious research on whoever they want to settle with.I believe if we all imbibe the culture of insisting that we speak one on one with an ex of our potential new partner or dig into their past,we will save ourselves unpleasant surprises and avoidable heart aches.

This is not just about believing whatever he or she tells you due to the decietful nature of people but its about making a thorough due diligence by speaking to a friend,neighbor,sibling,co-worker or even the ex of that person just to have a good picture of who you are about to commit yourself to.

I know this sounds funny but i believe its reasonable and this is the secret of long lasting marriages of our parents because in those days,they don't joke with due diligence up to the generations of the great grand parents of the potential spouse..lol!.

Many men have lost their lives indulging with married ladies who lied to them that they are single as well as many men losing all they ever worked for to a dangerous gold digger as well as evil ladies and many ladies have ended up getting deeply involved with a married man or even a notorious guy without having a clue.

No matter how seemingly innocent and responsible that guy or lady may look outwardly,trust me on this,it is always better to scrutinize the past of any new person we want to start a real affair with because when it comes to character, more often than not, humans are like leopards who never change their spots